Certified Green: We're proud to be a lean, green, catering machine! Certified as a Bay Area Green Business by the County of Sonoma on behalf of The Bay Area Green Business Program.
Recycling: We recycle everything we can from office papers to card board to aluminum and plastics. We recycle both at our facility and at our catering events. We also use recycled and recyclable materials whenever feasible, from our marketing material to our "togo" boxes.
Composting: We compost our food scraps and bio-degradable products such as our paper plates and corn-based "plastic" products. Sending them all to the worm farm for processing. We are proud to have a full compost dumpster, a recycling dumpster, and only two actual trash cans (which usually aren't full).
Renewable Resources: We recommend easily renewable food alternatives, such as tilapia instead of sea bass.
Water Conservation: We use low flow fixtures throughout our facility and drip irrigation for our drought tolerant landscaping.
Energy Conservation: We have installed energy efficient lighting throughout our facility, with motion and occupancy sensors where ever practical. We use evaporative coolers instead of air conditioning. We car pool to events whenever possible.
Bio Friendly: We use biologically friendly chemicals for our cleaning products and even the pesticides used to protect the outside perimeter of our building. We installed an oversized grease trap to further reduce contaminants. And we do all in our power to avoid the use of Styrofoam products.
Charitable Contributions: We contribute well over $20,000 in gift certificates and catering to community fund raisers throughout the community every year, from PEP Housing and COTS, to the Cinnabar Theatre and many of the schools & churches, and many other programs. We donate to the Petaluma Community Kitchen whenever we can (we even gave them our old delivery van!). We donate about $5000 every year to the Christmas Cheer program, the Committee on the Shelterless, and Petaluma Ecumenical Projects (senior housing).
Community Spirit: We're proud to have received the Spirit of Sonoma award for our community service
Community & Professional Memberships: We are members of the Petaluma Chamber of Commerce, the Petaluma Downtown Association, the California Restaurant Association, the National Restaurant Association, and the International Caterers Association.
Community Volunteer: We helped found the Petaluma Art & Garden Festival and continue to support it among many of Petaluma's other festivals including the Petaluma Butter & Eggs Day Parade, Antique Fairs, River Town Revival, American Graffiti, and others.